Saturday, August 29, 2009

Scout Group: Consultation

For some people, outsourcing an IT or Non IT project may seem like a daunting task, for others, they may not know exactly what they require or if it can be completed. Scout provides a full consultation service to anyone that wishes to discuss their projects. Our experienced consultants come from a business background which is backed up by technical and industrial knowledge ensuring you get relevant advice and guidance. Our consultants will have a number of meetings with you over the phone or one of the instant messengers. For some clients we can even arrange to have the consultant fly to your office for a face to face meeting. Alternatively, you could arrange to come and spend some time at the Scout offices.

Contact Details:

Scout Group
102, Eden Park
20, Vittal Mallya Road
Karnataka, INDIA
Phone: +91 (80) 65464334
Fax: +91 (80) 22243863
Official Website:

Other Offices:

Delhi | Cochin | US | UK

For more information please visit our website at

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